The Original Takeaway

Hayden Stainsby

What you get when you cross a number theorist with a programmer.

We're Back!

Wednesday, 12 May 2021

I wanted a platform to write posts on and remembered that I'd set this site up with a static site generator a while back (spoiler: it was 5 years ago!), so we're back up and running.

In the meantime Python 2 was deprecated (end of life was already over a year ago) and the site generator I was using before, Cactus, was never updated for Python 3. So I've quickly ported the site to Zola instead.

I'll be back with more updates soon (I promise), although probably a different focus to what I had imaged in 2016.

ClojureScript + Electron links

Sunday, 31 July 2016

Having had some success recently writing cross platform desktop applications using Electron with React. I'm gradually transitioning the project to Flow to try and improve my confidence in the code. Still, I wanted to try out something a bit more purely functional. So, I've been looking into ClojureScript, for which there are a number of bindings for React.

This page is more a resource for me than anything else. Some useful links I've found while hunting around.

General tutorials

Electron specific

  • descjop

    Leiningen template to use ClojureScript with Electron. Has support for Om.

Initial commit

Saturday, 26 March 2016

The first post on The Original Takeaway revamped.

I'm trying out the static site generator Cactus, primarily because it's Django based (and uses Django templates). This creates a nice on-ramp for me, as I've worked with Django a bit before.

As a test of the markdown code-higlighting I've installed, here's my email signature in Perl (it's old). Bonus points if you can work out what it does.

chop($_=<>);@s=split/ /;foreach$m(@s){if($m=='*'){$z=pop@t;$x=